Superintendence of Electricity promotes energy education with its social responsibility program SIEduca

Santo Domingo. – In an effort to promote awareness about the responsible use of energy and environmental impact on future generations, the Superintendence of Electricity is carrying out its SIEduca educational program.

SIEduca aims to raise awareness about energy challenges and their impact on the environment, providing spaces and opportunities so that people can learn about these topics effectively through different forms of learning.

The educational and interactive workshop “I Am Energy” that is part of this program addresses various aspects related to electricity, from its history to the importance of efficient use and its arrival in homes and businesses. Students have the opportunity to actively participate by answering questions and trivia during the activity, fostering a dynamic and fun learning environment.

Superintendence of Electricity promotes energy education with its SIEduca social responsibility program

Since its launch in March 2024, the SIE has impacted more than 1,267 students from colleges, schools, polytechnics and the National Institute of Professional Technical Training (Infotep) in the country.

Andrés Astacio Polanco, Superintendent of Electricity, emphasized the importance of the “I Am Energy” workshop as a valuable resource for educators, students and anyone interested in learning about energy and its impact on the life of a human being. “This project is part of the Superintendency’s institutional social responsibility program, which aims to raise awareness about energy challenges and their impact on the environment.”

This workshop offers a dynamic and participatory experience. Students have the opportunity to test their knowledge through trivia and questions based on the concepts presented in the content. This approach not only encourages active learning, but also creates a healthy and fun environment of challenge among participants.”

This educational experience seeks to inspire future generations to adopt responsible practices in the use of energy, thus contributing to the construction of a more sustainable and conscious future.

Superintendence of Electricity

SIEduca of the electricity superintendency focuses on three important pillars: education, gender and inclusion and environment, which promote greater awareness about the importance of educating on energy matters, the care and protection of the environment and respect for rights. humans, in order to guarantee a sustainable future for future generations.

For more information about this program, you can access the SIE web portal

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