San Martin students will be trained in a specialized academy…

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Institute of Civil Aviation (IDAC) formalized a memorandum of understanding with the Windward Islands Secondary Education Foundation – SVOBE of the island of San Martin, to facilitate students from those territories to take the various technical careers offered by the Higher Academy of Aeronautical Sciences (ASCA).

The ASCUSthe Caribbean’s main education center in civil aviation, specializes in aeronautical training programs, with a training offer to cover the strategic needs of the sector, including training on Air Navigation, Operational Safety Surveillance, Flight Standards, Management Aeronautics, Aeronautical Law.

The signing of the agreement was carried out by the general director of IDAC, Héctor Porcella and Bares V. Kngsalepresident of the School Board of the Islas de Barlovento Foundation, with the presence of Clara Fernandezdirector of the ASCA and Jacqueline Duggins-Horsfordgeneral director of SVOVE Schools.

Also present were the legal director, Bernarda Franco; the administrative director Izzet Sansurthe director of Human Resources Ana Ysa Tejeda; the director of Planning and Development Sarah Estevez and the person in charge of inter-institutional relations, Jasmin Fabréalong with other authorities from the IDAC and the ASCA.

The agreement arose as an initiative of the authorities of San Martin in the interest of ensuring through the ASCA the specialized academic offer that it needs to train the technicians and professionals that its civil aviation demands, since the island does not currently have an education center. superior in that area.

When explaining the significance of the agreement, the director of the ASCA, Clara Fernández indicated that this academy seeks to promote the development of academic programs at the higher technical level and continuing education to ensure the training of specialized talent that the sustained growth of civil aviation demands. in the Republic and in other countries in the Caribbean and Latin America.

Porcellageneral director of IDAC, said that the Higher Academy of Aeronautical Sciences is a fundamental platform to strengthen the extraordinary growth that civil aviation is experiencing, as a result of the consolidation of the country as an air hub in the Caribbean and as one of the main tourist destinations. of the continent.

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