more than 12 billion dollars from international visitors in the 1st quarter

Based on the results of the International Traveler Survey published by the National Institute of Statistic and Geography (INEGI), the secretary reported that between January and April 2024, 14,719,000 international tourists entered the country, 6.4% more than what was captured in January-April 2023.

The income of foreign currency from international tourists in the first four months of the year was 11 thousand 665 million dollarswhich represents 7.7% more compared to the same period in 2023.

During January-April 2024, The balance of the balance due to international visitors was 9,415 million dollarsthis is 3.5% more than what was registered in the first quarter of 2023.

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Sectur reported that foreign currency income represents 7.7% more compared to the same period in 2023.

Sectur reported that foreign currency income represents 7.7% more compared to the same period in 2023.

Continue reading: Foreign exchange: international tourists contribute almost US$ 6 billion to Mexico’s economy

How much was the foreign exchange income from international tourists by air and cruise passengers?

From the Secretariat they reported that during January-April 2024 8 million 744 thousand internal tourists arrived in Mexico by airthis represents an increase of 6.2% more compared to the same quarter of 2023.

Torruco Marqués pointed out that the average expenditure of international tourists by airDuring January-April 2024, it registered 1,238.1 dollars; with a growth of 2.4% compared to the same period in 2023.

During January-April 2024 they arrived at the different ports of Mexico 3 million 822 thousand passengers on a cruise.

The head of Sectur indicated that, from January to April 2024, Foreign currency income from cruise excursionists amounted to 325.8 million dollars.

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Miguel Torruco Marqués indicated that, from January to April 2024, the income of foreign currency from excursionists on cruise ships amounted to 325.8 million dollars.

Miguel Torruco Marqués indicated that, from January to April 2024, the income of foreign currency from excursionists on cruise ships amounted to 325.8 million dollars.


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