Flybondi makes all flight information available in French…

Buenos Aires. – Flybondi incorporates communication in Argentine sign language for deaf people who will be able to access informative videos for the different stages of the plane trip. In this way, another step is taken in the objective of making the airline industry more inclusive and accessible.

To improve information for the deaf community and ensure that everyone has a safe and barrier-free trip, the airline called on the NGO “Señas en Acción.” Together they devised the production of the videos and interpreted the messages in sign language, ensuring the perspective of deaf people. This validation ensures that the videos are accurate, clear, and culturally sensitive.

How do you access information in sign language?

In any national airport where Flybondi operates, people will find signage with a QR code near the airline’s counters. Once scanned you will be able to access the videos to watch online and also download them for the time of the flight. To check in, the person will receive the welcome and important information about documentation, luggage and instructions for boarding. Regarding the onboard videos, the information refers to the welcome and security measures. In the event that the passenger has not gone through the counter area, they will be able to access the videos through the tablets that the cabin crew have on board.

«At Flybondi, we believe and want to work towards accessibility for all people. We know that it is a complex path but we are convinced that it can have positive achievements and impacts in the short term to improve the travel experience. “This initiative, which focuses on communication accessibility, is the beginning of a much broader program that we designed during 2023 and that we are going to implement in stages with the aim of making the freedom to fly increasingly inclusive.”, said Lucia Ginzo, Director of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability.

To experience this new implementation, Flybondi made a trip to the city of Salta in which deaf people participated in conjunction with the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the province of Salta, the Hotel Alejandro I and the Association of Tourism Hotels of the Argentine Republic (AHT) through Greener Hotels. There, the travel experience was complete: it was sought that not only the flight could provide a differential to the deaf community but also that their experience as a tourist was appropriate to their needs.

“In the search for this initiative to be truly accessible to deaf people, we organized a trip to “listen to them.” “This experience taught and challenged each of us who participated to work to make our services increasingly more accessible,” added Cecilia Ibañez, Sustainability and Social Impact Specialist at Flybondi.

In 2022, Flybondi implemented its Sustainability and Social Impact strategy that covers three axes: Inclusion, Climate Action and Communities. This action is framed in the Inclusion axis as an Accessibility initiative, which seeks to generate a positive impact on its passengers.

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