AES Dominicana and ENADOM successfully executed the interconnection of their natural gas storage infrastructures

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Natural Energy (ENADOM)In collaboration with Dominican AESsuccessfully completed the interconnection work of a new natural gas storage tank, with capacity for 120,000 cubic meterswhich is added to existing facilities operating from 2003.

The interconnection was carried out from May 28 to June 3guaranteeing the supply of fifty% of the needs of the generating plants through strategic operations in the ENADOM storage tank.

The project increases the combined storage capacity to 280,000 meters cubic, positioning the Dominican Republic with the largest natural gas storage system in Central America and the Caribbean.

This effort allows for more innovative, competitive and sustainable electricity generation, promoting the use of natural gas in the commercial, industrial and vehicle sectors.

The expansion allows for the provision of up to 1,000 megawatts of new electricity generation, in line with the vision of sustainable growth and effective response to energy demand.

During the interconnection, the use of alternative fuels was coordinated with government authorities and sector entities to ensure the continuity of the electricity supply.

For the electrical development of the Dominican Republic, it is highly relevant to have an infrastructure of this nature, which helps to respond effectively to the growth in energy demand and which constitutes a manifestation of confidence in the country on the part of Enadom investors.”, indicates a joint statement from the companies.

This is an investment of 400 million dollars, this project reinforces the commitment of AES Dominicana and ENADOM with the expansion of the use of natural gas, contributing to the progress and well-being of the Dominican Republic.

The delivery was attended by national and international personalities.


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